Automated Database Backups with VitoDeploy

Automated Database Backups with VitoDeploy

Yesterday I released an update for VitoDeploy which enables you to backup your databases into cloud!

VitoDeploy Database Backups

Creating Backups

VitoDeploy provides you some storage drivers so you can connect to them.

In this case Dropbox for example. You can connect your Dropbox account to your VitoDeploy instance.

Dropbox Integration with VitoDeploy

And then you can create backups with customized configuration like bellow

VitoDeploy Database Backups

And then VitoDeploy starts creating backups of your selected database and uploads them into your selected storage driver.

Restoring Backups

You always have this option to restore a backup into the same database or different databases!

Restore Backups with VitoDeploy

So simple to use :)

Read more about the backups on the Documentation

Github Repository